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Embarking on a nine-year artistic odyssey centered on the human figure, where collections weave a narrative of personal experiences and illuminate global injustices. Unveiling a passion for mock-ups and prototypes, the artist's fixation finds its roots in the concepts of grand scale and open air. Guided by the mantra "One sculpture on the street, One step forward in culture," the work transcends traditional spaces, utilizing art as a potent tool for cultural expression and a means to confront inequality head-on. The Urban Sculpture Project envisions a cityscape where art seamlessly integrates into the urban environment, becoming an essential cultural component that reaches every corner. This initiative strives to bring culture to untouched areas, shattering barriers and combating dehumanization in cities, ultimately positioning Art and Culture as the powerful equalizers in the fight against inequality.

Urban Sculpture by Cristian Diez - Sanchez


Cristian Diez-Sanchez

Originally from Santiago, Chile, I was raised amidst the rich tapestry of my family's copper arts and crafts enterprise, kindling an innate passion for sculpting. While my initial academic journey led me through five years of architectural studies, destiny guided me to a transformative three-decades design odyssey in the vibrant city of Barcelona. This journey unfolded as a livelihood, wearing hats ranging from industrial designer and graphic designer to image consultant. Concurrently, I delved into housing renovations and successfully managed a tourist apartment website.​The turning point arrived in 2014 when a reflective gaze upon my roots in arts and crafts and early forays into sculpture ignited a profound shift. Embracing the path of a self-taught sculptor, I embarked on a remarkable journey utilizing humble materials like cardboard. Over the course of nine years, I meticulously crafted collections centered around the human figure, drawing inspiration from personal narratives and global happenings—especially the plight of the vulnerable and their struggles for education.My ethos, encapsulated in the mantra "One sculpture in the street, one step in culture," propels me to transcend conventional artistic boundaries. With an unwavering vision, I aim to position my creations as cultural instruments, fostering a broader appreciation of art by bringing it to unconventional spaces.


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